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Soil Ph Conducting 

In ESS class, as a group we planned what experiment we should try to conduct and plan for the other grades to finish the experiment. So we choose soil ph and wrote down how to do this experiment. We went to the bangna campus where there were gardens. The purpose of the experiment is to know the soil ph and the right amount for a plant to grow. 

Investigation: As a group we all had to learn more about this topic and some people had to figure out how are we gonna make this experiment methods. I and one of my teammate did the background information and research about the soil ph and what it will tell you. Some others did the methods and materials for this experiment. 

Preparation: We planned what materials and gathered them all to the bangna campus. We had to have notebok to record of data. We also had rulers because we wanted to know how deep we needed to dig. We also got water from different places to know which one would be better

Action: Once we got to the bangna campus we got cups and each person got soil from each pot. Once we got everything we need we all tried out the method we made to make sure it is how we wanted the experiment to go and if it was right or what we are trying to find. We also recorded our datas and research a bit more about our finding. 

Reflection: I actually learned a lot in this group work and this topic. It was also fun where we all worked together and share ideas about our findings. 

Learning outcomes:

- Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process.

- Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively.

Identify your own strengths and develop areas for personal growth.

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